The Vitess team had a successful presence at Kubecon + CloudNativeCon North America 2020. This year's event was in a virtual format. It ran from Nov 17-20. We had 2 talks, a project booth and 3 office hours sessions. In addition, we had mentions in 2 major keynote talks.
Day 1 #
Day 1 was a non-keynote day. It opened relatively quietly for us. We had 25+ attendees at our office hours session hosted by maintainers Alkin Tezuysal, Deepthi Sigireddi and Derek Perkins. Some people wandered into the project booth.

Day 2 #
This was our big day. Not only did we have both Vitess talks on this day, but we also had mentions in keynotes. First, Priyanka Sharma, CNCF GM spoke about how HubSpot uses Vitess and Kubernetes.

Then, Constance Caramanolis, Conference Co-Chair, featured Vitess in the Project Updates Keynote.

Constance also featured Slack's Vitess migration as an End-User Story.

Guido Iaquinti and Rafael Chacon of Slack spoke about how they migrated their MySQL Clusters into Vitess. We wrapped up the day with the Vitess Maintainer talk which featured demos from a number of our maintainers.
Our project office hours featuring Sugu Sougoumarane and Rafael drew 120 attendees.
Day 3 #
Another quiet day. We had our monthly public meeting (Access Passcode: AKi00k&@) on this day, so we did not host office hours.
Day 4 #
We hosted our last project office hours with Alkin, Deepthi and Paul Hemberger. 65 people attended the session.
Project Booth #
We had over 350 unique visitors to the project booth. We had maintainers available to answer questions but most visitors chose to view documents and not engage with the maintainers at the booth. Thank you to everyone who attended the talks or visited the booth. Special thanks to our maintainer team for making all of this possible.